New: Dorian, Eglentine, Fern


On the principle that chocolate mead takes so long that by the time it tastes good I am forever regretting not making more, a 20 liter chocolate mead.
Well, started at 24 liters in the big bucket. You tend to lose a bunch as the cacao drops, and I can put excess in a separate demi.
starting gravity  1130 (!)

10 kilo honey
600 gr cacao
Mead yeast
Yeast activator
Fermaid o

18 liter apple/ginger/hibiscus mead
Had a box and a half of this now sadly discontinued tea and figured I should use it before it goes stale. Brewed the tea to bring out the ginger (This is the third time I make this one; first was seeped tea, the second just had the tea put in in secondary and that doesn't work, you don't get the ginger heat)

~30 teabags seeped in near-boiling water
~7.5 kilo honey
Mead yeast & activator

No starting gravity because we made it directly into the demijohn and I could not be arsed to stir sufficiently and then draw up a sample. Laziness

Ten liter Heather honey mead
eceived this honey as a gift after an unpaid internship years ago and I've been doing the 'what if I ruin the good art supplies' thing. I could probably make it go further if I used some plain honey to start with, but decided to Just Go For It.

3.9 kilo Heather honey
Yeast activator
Mead yeast
Fermaid o

Again, no starting gravity because we made it directly into the demijohn and I could not be arsed to stir sufficiently and then draw up a sample. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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